15 Best Things to Do in Barnstaple

Welcome to Barnstaple, North Devon’s crown jewel, where history, culture, and natural beauty converge. This guide unfolds the 15 best things to do in Barnstaple, promising an immersive experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

Explore the Historic Landmarks

Embark on a journey through time by exploring the rich history of Barnstaple.

Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon

Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon

The Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon serves as a captivating repository of the town’s history. From ancient artifacts to modern exhibits, it offers a comprehensive journey through Barnstaples’s evolution.

Arlington Court

Arlington Court

A visit to Arlington Court transports you to a bygone era. This stately home surrounded by gardens houses a diverse collection, providing insights into the region’s heritage.

Penrose’s Almshouses

Penrose's Almshouses

Discover the philanthropic past of Barnstaple at Penrose’s Almshouses. This architectural marvel tells a unique story of compassion and community support.

Indulge in Culinary Delights

Barnstaple’s culinary scene is a celebration of flavors, a journey you won’t want to miss. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Pannier Market and Butchers’ Row, a haven of local produce, artisanal goods, and traditional treats. Step into the historic Butchers’ Row, where the air is filled with the aroma of local delicacies, and traditional markets beckon you to savor the authentic tastes of Barnstaple.

Continue with Outdoor Adventures, Vibrant Arts and Culture Scene, Retail Therapy in Barnstaple, Family-Friendly Activities, Nightlife in Barnstaple, Hidden Gems and Secret Spots, Sports Enthusiasts’ Paradise, Relaxation and Wellness, Family-Friendly Accommodations, Transportation Tips, Events and Festivals Calendar, Sustainable Tourism in Barnstaple, and Conclusion with FAQs and the custom message at the end.

Outdoor Adventures

For nature enthusiasts, Barnstaple offers a palette of outdoor wonders.

Broomhill Sculpture Garden

Things to Do in Barnstaple Broomhill Sculpture Garden

Discover the artistic synergy of nature and sculpture at the Broomhill Sculpture Garden. Wander through well-manicured grounds adorned with captivating artworks, creating a haven of creativity amidst the greenery. This outdoor gallery invites you to explore the symbiosis of art and nature in a tranquil setting.

South West Coast Path

South West Coast Path Things to Do in Barnstaple

Hiking enthusiasts, rejoice! The South West Coast Path beckons with its breathtaking trail along the rugged coastline. Whether you’re an avid hiker or a casual stroller, this path offers panoramic views of the sea, cliffs, and natural beauty. It’s an immersive experience for those seeking an adventure in the great outdoors.

Heddon Valley

heddon valley in barnstaple

Escape the hustle and bustle and find solace in the embrace of Heddon Valley. This hidden gem boasts cascading waterfalls, wooded valleys, and meandering trails that lead you through a picturesque landscape. It’s a nature lover’s paradise, perfect for a rejuvenating stroll or a more challenging hike.

Vibrant Arts and Culture Scene

Uncover the artistic soul of Barnstaple.

St Anne’s Chapel

St Anne's Chapel in barnstaple

Immerse yourself in the cultural heartbeat of Barnstaple at St Anne’s Chapel. This historic venue serves as a cultural hub, hosting art exhibitions, performances, and community events. From contemporary art to traditional displays, the chapel is a testament to the town’s vibrant and diverse artistic expression.

Barnstaple Castle

Barnstaple Castle in barnstaple

Climb to the historic heights of Barnstaple Castle. Beyond its medieval architecture and panoramic views, the castle often hosts cultural events and exhibitions, providing a unique backdrop for artistic expression. It’s a blend of the old and the new, where history meets contemporary creativity.

Retail Therapy in Barnstaple

Shopping in Barnstaple is an adventure in itself.

Pannier Market and Butchers’ Row

Pannier Market and Butchers' Row

Embark on a sensory journey at Pannier Market and Butchers’ Row. This bustling market is a treasure trove of local produce, handmade crafts, and traditional delicacies. Explore the stalls, engage with local vendors, and savor the vibrant atmosphere as you discover unique finds and flavorful treats.

Queen Street

Queen Street

Navigate the charming lanes of Queen Street, where independent shops and cafes beckon with local delights. From boutique stores to quaint eateries, Queen Street is a delightful blend of tradition and trendiness, offering a unique shopping experience away from mainstream commercialism.

Continue with Family-Friendly Activities, Nightlife in Barnstaple, Hidden Gems and Secret Spots, Sports Enthusiasts’ Paradise, Relaxation and Wellness, Family-Friendly Accommodations, Transportation Tips, Events and Festivals Calendar, Sustainable Tourism in Barnstaple, Conclusion with FAQs, and the custom message at the end.

Family-Friendly Activities

Create lasting memories with a variety of family-friendly activities in Barnstaple.

Exmoor Zoo

Exmoor Zoo

Embark on a wildlife adventure at Exmoor Zoo. This interactive zoo offers a close encounter with diverse species, making it an engaging and educational experience for visitors of all ages. From meerkats to exotic birds, the zoo is a haven for animal lovers and curious minds.

Saunton Sands

Saunton Sands

For a classic day of seaside fun, head to Saunton Sands. The expansive beach, with its golden sands and rolling waves, provides a perfect backdrop for family activities. Build sandcastles, take a refreshing dip, or simply enjoy a stroll along the shore.

Nightlife in Barnstaple

As the sun sets, Barnstaple comes alive with a diverse nightlife.

The Cork and Bottle

The Cork and Bottle

Experience the warmth of The Cork and Bottle, a traditional pub exuding character. Whether you’re a beer connoisseur or prefer a classic cocktail, this establishment offers a cozy setting to unwind and socialize. Live music and friendly locals contribute to a welcoming atmosphere.

The Queen’s Theatre

The Queen's Theatre

For a dose of cultural entertainment, visit The Queen’s Theatre. This cultural hub hosts a variety of performances, from plays to musicals, providing an enriching experience for theater enthusiasts. Check the schedule for upcoming shows and events during your visit.

Barnstaple Long Bridge

Barnstaple Long Bridge


Take a stroll across the illuminated Barnstaple Long Bridge. As night falls, the bridge becomes a picturesque vantage point, offering stunning views of the River Taw. It’s a romantic spot for an evening walk or a moment of quiet contemplation.

Hidden Gems and Secret Spots

Unearth the historical tales within Barnstaple’s hidden gems.

Penrose’s Almshouses

Step into history at Penrose’s Almshouses. This architectural marvel reflects Barnstaple’s philanthropic past, providing a glimpse into a time when community support played a crucial role in the town’s development. Explore the courtyard and corridors for a unique historical experience.

Sports Enthusiasts’ Paradise

For sports enthusiasts, Barnstaple is a haven of excitement.

Barnstaple Rugby Club

Immerse yourself in the passionate world of rugby at Barnstaple Rugby Club. Whether you’re a fervent supporter or a curious spectator, the club’s matches are a showcase of skill and camaraderie. Experience the electric atmosphere as the community comes together to celebrate this beloved sport.

Portmore Golf Park

Tee off amidst stunning landscapes at Portmore Golf Park. Surrounded by rolling hills, this golf course offers both seasoned players and novices a chance to enjoy the game. The well-maintained fairways and challenging holes make it a picturesque spot for a day of golfing.

Relaxation and Wellness

Pamper yourself at Barnstaple’s serene wellness spots.

Barnstaple Hotel Spa

Barnstaple Hotel Spa

Indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments at Barnstaple Hotel Spa. From massages to facials, the spa’s expert therapists ensure a blissful experience. Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and unwind in the tranquil ambiance, leaving you refreshed and revitalized.

The Stables Yoga Centre

The Stables Yoga Centre

Connect with your inner self at The Stables Yoga Centre. Offering tranquil spaces for yoga and meditation, this center provides a serene escape from the stresses of modern life. Join a class or indulge in a private session to enhance your physical and mental well-being.

Family-Friendly Accommodations

Ensure a delightful stay for the family at recommended accommodations.

The Park Hotel

Consider The Park Hotel for a family-friendly stay. With comfortable rooms and convenient amenities, this hotel welcomes families with open arms. The central location ensures easy access to Barnstaple’s attractions, making it an ideal base for your adventures.

The Imperial Hotel

Another excellent choice is The Imperial Hotel, offering family-friendly accommodations and a welcoming atmosphere. With a range of room options and on-site facilities, this hotel provides the perfect retreat after a day of exploration.

Transportation Tips

Navigating Barnstaple is seamless with well-connected transportation options.

Tarka Line

Tarka Line

Explore the town and its surroundings effortlessly with the convenient Tarka Line. This railway line connects Barnstaple to neighboring areas, offering a scenic journey through the North Devon landscape. Plan your excursions with the ease of railway travel.

Barnstaple Bus Station

Discover the town using the Bus Station, a central hub for various bus routes. This comprehensive network ensures convenient travel within Barnstaple, allowing you to explore different corners of the town with ease.

Continue with the Events and Festivals Calendar, Sustainable Tourism in Barnstaple, Conclusion with FAQs, and the custom message at the end.

Events and Festivals Calendar

Enhance your visit by timing it with Barnstaple’s vibrant events.

Barnstaple Carnival

Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the Barnstaple Carnival. This annual event brings the community together for a spectacular parade, live entertainment, and a carnival atmosphere. Join in the festivities, where color, music, and joy fill the streets of Barnstaple.

North Devon Foodfest

Indulge in the culinary delights of the North Devon Foodfest. This gastronomic celebration showcases the region’s finest food and drink. From local specialties to international flavors, the festival is a feast for the senses. Explore food stalls, attend cooking demonstrations, and savor the diverse tastes of North Devon.

Sustainable Tourism in Barnstaple

Make your visit eco-friendly by supporting local initiatives. Barnstaple embraces sustainable tourism, offering visitors the opportunity to explore responsibly.

Choose local shops, restaurants, and accommodations to contribute directly to the community. From quaint cafes on Queen Street to artisanal markets like Pannier Market and Butchers’ Row, Barnstaple thrives on local entrepreneurship.

Discover the town’s charm by walking or cycling. Barnstaple’s compact layout and scenic surroundings make it an ideal destination for eco-friendly exploration. Consider renting a bike to pedal along the Tarka Trail.

Be mindful of your environmental impact. Dispose of waste responsibly, and consider using reusable items. Many establishments in Barnstaple actively promote sustainability, so look out for eco-friendly initiatives during your visit.


Barnstaple, with its diverse offerings, invites you on a journey of exploration. Each corner, and each activity, adds a brushstroke to the vibrant canvas of this North Devon town. Plan your visit, soak in the uniqueness, and let Barnstaple enchant you. Also, read Things to Do in Panguitch Utah 30 Unforgettable Places.


Is Barnstaple suitable for a family vacation?

Absolutely! With a plethora of family-friendly activities and accommodations, Barnstaple ensures an enjoyable experience for all ages.

Are there any annual events worth attending in Barnstaple?

Yes, events like the Barnstaple Carnival and North Devon Foodfest offer lively and festive experiences, reflecting the town’s community spirit.

What is the best time to visit Barnstaple?

The summer months (June to August) provide pleasant weather for outdoor activities, while festive events add vibrancy during the holiday season.

Can I explore Barnstaple on a budget?

Certainly! Barnstaple offers budget-friendly options for accommodations, dining, and activities, ensuring an accessible and enjoyable experience.

Is transportation convenient in Barnstaple?

Yes, with well-connected transportation options like the Tarka Line and Barnstaple Bus Station, exploring the town is convenient and accessible.


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