11 Things to Do in Pembrokeshire

Welcome to our guide on the incredible things you can do in Pembrokeshire, Wales. We’re here to show you the beauty of this special place and help you plan your visit. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just looking for a new adventure, this blog is your go-to for the best “Things to do in Pembrokeshire.”

Pembrokeshire is a beautiful part of Wales, but not everyone knows about it. We want to change that! With its green hills, colorful houses, and stunning coast, Pembrokeshire is a hidden gem. Join us as we explore why this place should be on your travel list.

From the amazing Pembrokeshire Coast Path to the medieval charm of Tenby, Pembrokeshire has a lot to offer. We’ll take you to Skomer Island to meet puffins, show you the unique beach at Barafundle Bay, and uncover the history of Pembroke Castle.

Whether you love hiking, history, or just relaxing by the sea, Pembrokeshire has something for everyone. We’ll guide you through the must-see spots, share practical tips, and let you in on the local secrets that make Pembrokeshire so special. Get ready to be inspired and start planning your own Pembrokeshire adventure. Let’s explore this amazing place together!

11 Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Unveiling the Beauty of Wales

Unveiling the Beauty of Wales

Discover the hidden gem of Pembrokeshire in Wales – a place often overlooked but brimming with charm. This simple guide will show you the best things to do, making your visit to Pembrokeshire an unforgettable experience.

A Scenic Getaway: Pembrokeshire is a beautiful spot tucked away in southwest Wales. Imagine lush green hills and colorful houses that make you wonder if such places truly exist. Far from the hustle of big cities, Pembrokeshire invites you to a world of natural beauty that’s a rare find in today’s fast-paced life.

Off the Beaten Path: Unlike popular destinations, Pembrokeshire isn’t about flashy attractions. It’s a place where time moves a bit slower, giving you a chance to savor the simple pleasures often missed elsewhere.

Nature’s Beauty: Pembrokeshire isn’t just a treat for the eyes; it’s an immersive experience. From dramatic cliffs to sandy beaches, the landscapes here offer a little bit of everything. It’s like a journey through different worlds, all in one place.

The Mystery Unveiled: Pembrokeshire’s low profile might make you wonder why it’s not on everyone’s travel list. This guide will show you the hidden wonders, encouraging you to explore beyond the usual tourist spots.

More Than a Checklist: This isn’t your typical list of activities. It’s an invitation to connect with a place that reveals its beauty slowly. Pembrokeshire, without the flashy distractions, lets you experience travel in its truest form.

A Journey of Discovery: Pembrokeshire isn’t just a location; it’s an adventure waiting for those ready to go beyond the ordinary. Nature has painted a masterpiece here, and we invite you to join us on this simple, delightful journey through Pembrokeshire’s magic.

Pembrokeshire Coast Path Adventure

Pembrokeshire Coast Path Adventure

Get ready for an amazing journey along the beautiful Pembrokeshire Coast Path. This guide will show you why it’s a hidden gem in Britain, full of nature’s wonders and outdoor fun.

Discovering the Beautiful Coast: The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is like a treasure – 186 miles of stunning views. It’s one of the best trails in Britain, taking you to rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, and so much more. No wonder people from all over the world love it!

For All Types of Explorers: Whether you love hiking a lot or just want a relaxed walk, this path has something for everyone. Even if you walk just a little bit, you’ll see some of the most beautiful sights. It’s like nature’s own masterpiece!

Going Beyond: In 2012, the path became part of the Wales Coast Path, a super-long trail of 870 miles. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can take on the challenge, like climbing a big mountain. But if that’s too much, no worries – you can still enjoy the path without climbing mountains!

Capturing Beautiful Moments: Pembrokeshire is not just about walking; it’s about taking pictures and making memories. The path goes through different landscapes, like a changing painting made by nature.

Easy Ways to Enjoy: If you’re not in the mood for a super long walk, no problem. The path is flexible, so you can explore as much or as little as you want. It’s like your own way to enjoy the beauty of the coast.

Your Adventure Starts Here: The Pembrokeshire Coast Path is not just a trail; it’s a special journey. It’s for people who love nature, taking pictures, and having fun outdoors. So, let’s start this adventure and discover why Pembrokeshire is so amazing!

Capturing Moments in Tenby

Capturing Moments in Tenby

Tenby, a picturesque seaside town in Pembrokeshire, offers more than just stunning beaches. Let’s explore the charming attractions that make it a perfect spot for capturing unforgettable moments.

A Colorful Seaside Escape: Tenby is no ordinary town; it’s a burst of colors against the backdrop of sandy beaches. With 2.5 miles of inviting coastline, it’s not just a summer getaway but a year-round delight.

Historic Wonders: Explore the 13th-century medieval walls, the timeless St. Mary’s Church, and the Tudor Merchant’s House. Tenby is not just a feast for the eyes but a journey through history.

Photography Paradise: For photography enthusiasts, Tenby is a dream. The harbor at sunrise or sunset paints a picture of soft orange hues reflecting off the sea. Grab your camera, and let Tenby be your canvas.

Seaside Bliss: Beyond its historic charm, Tenby offers the simple joy of seaside life. Stroll along sandy shores, savor cone hot chips and breathe in the fresh sea air. It’s a place where every moment feels like a postcard.

Tips for Photographers: If you’re a photography lover, don’t miss the chance to capture the vibrant essence of Tenby. The town’s colors and coastal views make every shot a work of art.

Accessible Beauty: Tenby is not just for avid photographers; it welcomes everyone. You don’t need to be a pro to enjoy the beauty it offers. Just bring your camera or smartphone, and let Tenby’s charm do the rest.

Puffin Paradise on Skomer Island

Puffin Paradise on Skomer Island-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Discover the Cute Puffins: Ever heard of puffins? They’re these adorable birds, and Skomer Island is their favorite spot. Imagine a place where these clown-faced birds live happily – that’s Skomer Island!

Why Skomer Island is Special: Skomer Island is like a secret hideout for puffins. It’s their biggest home in southern Britain. And guess what? A baby puffin is called a “puffling,” and a group of them is a “circus”! How cool is that?

Protecting the Puffin Haven: Skomer Island is a safe space for puffins, and they want to keep it that way. They only allow 250 people each day so that puffins can have their peace. It’s like a VIP experience with nature.

Tips for Your Trip: If you want to visit, catch a boat from Martin’s Haven. But here’s the trick – get there early because tickets are first-come, first-served. And if you don’t have binoculars, no worries, you can rent them there.

Your Day in Puffin Paradise: Picture a day surrounded by puffins, the sound of the sea, and just pure calm. Skomer Island isn’t just for bird lovers; it’s for anyone who wants a day of happiness and nature.

In a Nutshell: Skomer Island is not just an island. It’s a puffin paradise. If you do, you’re in for a treat – cute birds, stunning views, and a day you won’t forget.

Sea Kayaking and Seal Encounters

Sea Kayaking and Seal Encounters-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Embark on a Seafaring Adventure: Ever tried sea kayaking? It’s not just for the super fit; it’s for anyone ready for a splashy, fun time. Picture clear waters, a comfy kayak, and the chance to meet some friendly seals along the way.

Why Sea Kayaking? Sea kayaking is like exploring the sea at your own pace. You don’t need to be an athlete. I tried it, and trust me, even my not-so-toned arms were up for the challenge. It’s an adventure that mixes nature, a bit of exercise, and a whole lot of fun.

Meeting the Seals: Paddle along, and you might get to hang out with seals. But here’s the deal – be cool about it. Follow the Pembrokeshire Marine Code; it’s like a guidebook for kayakers. Don’t be the paparazzi; let the seals enjoy their sea life.

Preseli Venture: Your Kayaking Guides: Thinking of giving it a go? Meet Preseli Venture – they’re the experts in sea kayaking. Family-owned, eco-friendly, and guiding kayaking adventures for almost thirty years. They know the waters, and they know how to make it a fantastic day.

What You Need to Know: No need to worry about gear; they’ve got you covered. Just bring yourself, a sense of adventure, and maybe some sunscreen. The water’s crystal clear, and if you’re lucky, seals might just swim by your kayak.

In a Nutshell: Sea kayaking is not just a sport; it’s a doorway to seal encounters. With Preseli Venture, it’s a day of paddling, laughter, and maybe a seal or two saying hello. Ready for an unforgettable adventure on Pembrokeshire’s waters?

Wildlife Wonders on Ramsey Island

Wildlife Wonders on Ramsey Island-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Ramsey Island, a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, is more than just an island. It’s a symphony of nature – birds soaring, seals lounging, and deer gracefully roaming. Let’s dive into the wonders waiting for you.

Birdwatching Bliss: If you’re into birdwatching, Ramsey is your paradise. With dozens of bird species calling it home, you might spot feathered friends you’ve never seen before. The island hosts a grand spectacle of nature, with curious seals and gentle deer completing the ensemble.

Seal Serenity: Picture this – a secluded island with curious seals bobbing in the waves. Ramsey boasts the most important grey seal breeding colony in southern Britain. Every autumn, over four hundred seal pups make their debut, a heartwarming sight for any nature lover.

Ramsey’s Resident Deer: As if birds and seals weren’t enough, Ramsey also plays host to deer. Spotting these elegant creatures against the backdrop of the island’s natural beauty is a serene experience. Ramsey is their sanctuary, and you get a front-row seat to their peaceful existence.

Plan Your Visit: To make the most of your Ramsey experience, consider a guided tour. Knowledgeable guides can unveil the island’s secrets, ensuring you don’t miss a moment of its natural wonders. From the fluttering of wings to the gentle waves lapping the shores, Ramsey is nature’s concert, and you have a VIP pass.

Timing is Everything: Plan your visit with the seasons in mind. Autumn brings seal pups, while spring is a birdwatcher’s delight.

Guided Tours: Opt for guided tours to enhance your understanding of Ramsey’s diverse ecosystem.

Binoculars Are Your Friends: Bring a pair to catch every detail – from a soaring bird to a distant seal lounging on the rocks.

Barafundle Bay – A Unique Beach Experience

Barafundle Bay – A Unique Beach Experience-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Barafundle Bay isn’t just a beach; it’s a haven of tranquility nestled along Pembrokeshire’s stunning coast. Discover why this sandy gem is more than just a picturesque stretch – it’s an experience waiting to unfold.

Serene Sands and Turquoise Waters

Picture soft, golden sands meeting crystal-clear waters. Barafundle Bay offers a serene escape, a place where the lull of the waves creates a melody of relaxation. The bay’s beauty goes beyond aesthetics; it’s an invitation to unwind and savor the simplicity of nature.

Blue Flag Elegance

Barafundle Bay proudly holds the Blue Flag, a testament to its pristine beauty and environmental excellence. While the sands may not be tropical, the distinction ensures a beach day with uncompromised cleanliness and natural charm.

A Dip into Chilly Waters

Dipping into the bay’s waters requires a bit of bravery – even on a sunny day, the sea retains its brisk Welsh coolness. But fear not; the refreshing chill is part of Barafundle’s unique charm. Locals, equipped with wetsuits, embrace the waters with enthusiasm, making every plunge a memorable experience.

Getting There – An Adventure Itself

Accessing Barafundle Bay adds a touch of adventure to your visit. With no direct road, a stroll from Stackpole Quay or a scenic hike sets the stage for the beach excursion. The journey becomes as memorable as the destination, weaving through coastal beauty and nature’s embrace.

The Natural Wonder – Green Bridge of Wales

The Natural Wonder – Green Bridge of Wales-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Embarking on the Green Bridge Adventure: Prepare for an extraordinary experience as we unravel the beauty of the Green Bridge of Wales along the Pembrokeshire Coast. This natural wonder promises to captivate your senses, offering a unique and awe-inspiring stop on your Pembrokeshire itinerary.

Nature’s Masterpiece in Limestone: Picture a colossal limestone arch sculpted over time by the rhythmic dance of the tides. The Green Bridge proudly stands as a creation of nature’s artistry, inviting you to marvel at its intricate design. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or a casual explorer, this geological marvel promises a moment of wonder.

Up-Close with Feathered Residents: Binoculars in hand, get ready for a close encounter with the lively seabird community that calls the Green Bridge home. Watch as these feathered residents create a vibrant symphony of calls and winged displays, adding a touch of charm to your coastal adventure.

Navigating the Coastal Path: As you venture toward the Green Bridge, tread carefully through the Ministry of Defence’s training area. The path offers glimpses of nature thriving amidst human activities. Stick to marked trails, respecting the delicate balance of the coastal ecosystem.

Binoculars Are Essential: Bring along binoculars for an enhanced view of the avian residents.

Respect Restricted Zones: Stay on designated paths to avoid disturbing sensitive areas. Let your exploration contribute to preserving the natural beauty.

Dress Smart for Coastal Weather: Be prepared for changing weather conditions by dressing in layers. Coastal surprises are part of the adventure!

A Final Thought: The Green Bridge of Wales goes beyond being a geological marvel; it’s a testament to nature’s craftsmanship. Take a moment to absorb the avian symphony and the breathtaking coastal panorama. This journey to a natural wonder adds a delightful chapter to your exploration of Pembrokeshire’s hidden gems.

Saint Govan’s Chapel – A Cliffside Marvel

Saint Govan’s Chapel – A Cliffside Marvel-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Discovering Saint Govan’s Chapel: In the magical land of Pembrokeshire, Saint Govan’s Chapel is like a hidden gem. It’s not just a building; it’s a special place clinging to the side of a rock, telling stories from long ago.

A Glimpse into the Past: This old chapel has been here since the 1200s, taking us back to a time when people built amazing things without modern tools. Imagine the stories it could tell about the days when pirates roamed the seas, and monks sought refuge in its stone embrace.

Architectural Wonders: The chapel isn’t just special for its history. Look closely at how it’s built right into the rock. It’s like a secret between humans and nature—a place where stone walls meet the wild cliffs in a perfect blend.

Unraveling Saint Govan’s Story: Picture this: Saint Govan, an Irish monk, finding safety here from pirates. The cliffs opened up, offering him a hiding spot. Stories like these make your visit more than just seeing old stones; it’s about feeling the spirit of the past.

Comfy Shoes: Wear shoes that won’t let you down on the rocky path.

Respectful Steps: As you explore, remember this place is old and sacred.

Weather-ready Gear: Pembrokeshire’s weather can surprise you, so be ready for a bit of rain or wind.

Final Thoughts: Saint Govan’s Chapel isn’t just a stop on your trip—it’s a glimpse into ancient times and a chance to feel the peaceful blend of human history and nature’s wonders in this corner of Pembrokeshire

Saundersfoot – Coastal Village Delight

Saundersfoot – Coastal Village Delight-Things to do in Pembrokeshire

Exploring Saundersfoot: Saundersfoot, nestled in the embrace of the Pembrokeshire Coast, is a coastal village that whispers tales of both tranquility and adventure. Here, every cobblestone has a story, and the sea breeze carries the charm of a classic British seaside escape.

Seaside Charms: As the largest village in Pembrokeshire, Saundersfoot isn’t just a place; it’s a canvas of experiences. From old-school arcades to quaint cafes, every corner invites you to savor the simple pleasures of coastal living.

Nature’s Embrace: Imagine strolling along the Pembrokeshire Coast Path, the rhythmic lullaby of the waves accompanying your every step. Saundersfoot seamlessly blends into the natural beauty of its surroundings, offering a picturesque backdrop for your coastal escapade.

Chasing Waves and Charity: If you find yourself here on New Year’s Day, don’t miss the exhilarating charity swim. Imagine a sea of colorful costumes taking a plunge into icy waters—all for a good cause. It’s a tradition that blends merriment with a dash of bravery.

Local Flavors: Saundersfoot isn’t just about scenery; it’s a gastronomic journey. Seafood restaurants line the streets, offering the day’s catch prepared with culinary expertise. It’s a haven for food enthusiasts seeking the freshest flavors from the sea.

Practical Tips for Your Visit:

  • Comfortable Attire: Dress for the coastal weather—layers are your best friend.
  • Camera Ready: Capture the charm of Saundersfoot’s streets and seaside vistas.
  • Savor Every Bite: Don’t rush through meals; let the local flavors linger on your palate.

Final Thoughts: Saundersfoot isn’t just a coastal village; it’s a symphony of waves, a gallery of coastal colors, and an invitation to savor the timeless allure of Pembrokeshire’s seaside magic.

Pembroke – History, Heritage, and Corgis

Pembroke – History, Heritage, and Corgis

Unveiling Pembroke’s Rich Tapestry: Pembroke, a town nestled in the heart of Pembrokeshire, unfolds like a living history book. Steeped in heritage, this quaint town is a canvas painted with the strokes of medieval tales, monumental castles, and charming streets.

Pembroke Castle – A Historical Gem: At the core of Pembroke’s narrative stands Pembroke Castle. Birthplace of Henry VII, the first monarch of the House of Tudor, this medieval fortress is a testament to the town’s pivotal role in shaping British history. Explore its towering structures, wander through centuries-old halls, and immerse yourself in the echoes of the past.

Corgis and Welsh Connection: Pembroke has another claim to fame—it’s the birthplace of the iconic Welsh Corgis. These charming herding dogs, famously adored by Queen Elizabeth, have roots tracing back to Pembroke. Delve into the town’s affectionate connection with these furry companions and perhaps catch a glimpse of their playful antics.

Castle Exploration: Allocate sufficient time to explore the nooks and crannies of Pembroke Castle.

Corgi Connections: Engage with locals to discover anecdotes about the town’s beloved Corgis.

Historic Walk: Take a stroll through Pembroke’s historic streets, each corner echoing tales of a bygone era.

Beyond the Castle Walls:

  • Local Delights: Visit charming cafes and eateries, savoring the local flavors that define Pembroke.
  • Hidden Corners: Embark on a journey through less-explored alleys, discovering hidden gems of history.
  • Cultural Sojourn: Immerse yourself in local events, uncovering the vibrant tapestry of Pembroke’s cultural calendar.

Final Thoughts: Pembroke isn’t just a town; it’s a portal to the past, a celebration of heritage, and a nod to the endearing presence of Corgis. As you navigate its historic streets and castle walls, Pembroke invites you to be a part of its timeless narrative. Also, read about Things to Do in Salisbury Places and Attractions.


What makes Pembrokeshire a unique travel destination?

Pembrokeshire’s charm lies in its lush hills, colorful houses, and stunning coastline, creating a picturesque setting that captivates visitors.

What are the highlights of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path?

The Pembrokeshire Coast Path, spanning 186 miles, offers diverse landscapes, from rugged cliffs to beautiful beaches. It caters to both avid hikers and casual walkers.

Where can I capture the perfect sunrise or sunset in Tenby?

Tenby, a colorful seaside resort, provides ideal spots for breathtaking sunrise or sunset views, including medieval walls, historic churches, and the enchanting harbor.

How can I experience the charm of puffins in Pembrokeshire?

Skomer Island, home to the largest puffin colony in southern Britain, offers an unforgettable experience. Plan your visit, enjoy bird watching, and savor the unique charm of puffins.

What unique wildlife experiences can I have on Ramsey Island?

Ramsey Island promises exceptional wildlife encounters, from diverse bird species to curious seals and deer. Explore the island’s significance for grey seal breeding and immerse yourself in a memorable wildlife adventure.

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